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Major Division focuses on continuing to develop players and the team. Sportsmanship is important in this division and should be coach lead. Players at this point know their positions, unless they are new to the league, at which time the coach will determine the best position for the player. 


  1. Major games will be at 6:15 pm with no inning to begin after 8 pm, and complete 6 innings (if time allows).

  2. Pitch count and days of rest is to be followed throughout regular season and through playoffs (see pitch count chart below)

  3. Major may employ the infield fly rule if the umpires are confident in its use. Coaches to confirm with ump before the start of the game. 

  4. During Regular Season, Major teams must have a minimum of 8 players (and can include call-ups). Any fewer results in a forfeit. An exhibition game can be played if both teams agree.

  5. During Playoffs, Major teams must have a minimum of 8 players (no call-ups) for playoffs.

  6. Every effort should be made to hold regular practices. If your schedule prevents you from practicing, please find a parent to lead the practices. 


Little League Pitch Count Rules


 1 - 20   Pitches..........0 Days Rest

 21 - 35 Pitches..........1 Day Rest

 36 - 50 Pitches..........2 Days Rest

 51 - 65 Pitches..........3 Days Rest

 66+      Pitches..........4 Days Rest

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